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The IARFP currently requires all R.F.P.s to complete at least 30 hours of continuing education in each calendar year.  This is to ensure the R.F.P.s are staying up-to-date in a rapidly changing financial environment.
Members must keep track of their continuing education credits (CECs) on a calendar year basis and attest that they have met CEC requirements as part of their membership renewal each year.  A credit is equal to one hour of continuing education.

At present, credits in excess of the 30 hours required for the reporting period cannot be carried over to subsequent years.  Where a program spans more than one calendar year, the credits earned can be pro-rated between the two calendar years.

In addition, all R.F.P.s must agree to voluntarily disclose any public, civil, criminal or disciplinary actions that may have been taken against them during the previous year as part of the renewal process.

Only certain continuing education programs will be recognized as fulfillment of the requirements which include attendance of seminars, conferences, workshops and discussion meetings, working in the relevant fields as a presenter, instructor or committee members in professional organizations, or research or preparation for meetings and technical reading.


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